1. Go to the product page of your preference and choose the size (if applicable) and the number of products to purchase. Then add them to the shopping cart.
  2. Enter the shopping cart and verify your order.
  3. To continue with the payment click on Checkout.
  4. Enter your personal information: Names, Telephone, Email and Delivery Address.
  5. By entering the Delivery Address you will be able to view the shipping cost for your order.
  6. If you have any special request, you can add it in the Order Notes box.
  7. Then choose your payment method and place a check confirming that you have read our terms and conditions.
  8. Finally, click on the PLACE ORDER button.
  9. You will receive an automatic email with the details of your order in the email provided.
  10. The delivery time of your order varies based on the destination address indicated (We recommend reading our purchase terms at the bottom).


The products purchased through this website leave our workshop located in Huaral and will be subject to the shipping conditions detailed below:

Local shipments:
LIMA: Between 3 to 5 business days.
OTHER CITIES IN PERU: Between 5 to 10 business days.

International shipments
SPAIN: Between 15 to 30 business days
USA: Between 15 to 30 business days.



Deposits and bank transfers
They are not accepted on our website. If you want to pay with account deposits in Peru you can contact us directly at our WhatsApp (+51) 963 356 722 or at our email: huaralemprende2024@gmail.com

You can pay with all credit and debit cards accepted by the IZIPAY payment gateway.


If you wish to purchase  wholesale, we would appreciate it if you requested a quote from WhatsApp (+51) 963 356 722 or from our email: huaralemprende2024@gmail.com.
It is important to indicate codes and the quantity to be quoted in order to consider wholesale prices.

The minimum order on this website is 1 unit.

If you wish to order a special design (unique model or customization with logo), contact us directly at WhatsApp (+51) 963 356 722 or at our email: huaralemprende2024@gmail.com

Huaral Emprende reserves the right to reschedule product deliveries in the event of unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to, government restrictions, natural phenomena, location problems or stock outages. In such cases, Huaral Emprende will make every reasonable effort to notify affected customers as early as possible. However, Huaral Emprende will not be responsible for any damage, loss or harm resulting from such rescheduling, and customers agree to hold Huaral Emprende harmless from any claim, demand or action arising from the rescheduling. Customers understand and agree that any change in the delivery of products will not give rise to any financial compensation, refund or additional liability on our part.

For doubts, queries, complaints and returns you can contact Huaral Emprende at WhatsApp (+51) 963 356 722 or at our email: huaralemprende2024@gmail.com

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Huaral Emprende
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